Calories In vs. Calories Out You may have heard that losing weight is simply a balancing act: calories in versus calories out. This means that decreasing your caloric intake (eating less) or increasing your output (exercising more) will lead... Read More
Detoxes have been a huge trend for at least the past decade, some healthy and some dangerous. The most common denominator in detoxes nowadays, is a product being promoted as the only way to aid the body in detox... Read More
The newest fad diet is all about quick weight loss, high-fat and indulgent meals, cutting out all carbs, and this one secret… It won’t make you healthy. It’s a fad diet and chances are, long term, it’s not sustainable,... Read More
Most people know how great physical exercise is for the body, but do you know how beneficial physical exercise can be to reduce stress and boost brain health? Research indicates that exercise can help boost the brain’s ability to... Read More
In order to build a healthy, balanced plate, you need to understand the basics of macros. Once you understand the basics of macros, not only will you be able to build a balanced plate for every meal and snack,... Read More
| November is Diabetes Awareness Month! In honor of that, this blog will focus on all things diabetes and the most affordable way you can work on prevention and management of diabetes: EXERCISE! (It’s free!) If you have type... Read More
The majority of us know that if you exercise and eat properly you will be rewarded with a healthy physique. For many people, that is where the benefits of exercise end… it’s completely about looks. But, just because you... Read More
When I was in high school (back in the ‘90s…ahem) grabbing a smoothie or a fruit juice was the healthy craze. I remember leaving swim practice or the gym and feeling so healthy when I picked up my blended... Read More
Listen up ladies, here’s the truth about gaining muscle…. it’s awesome! Stop. I can already hear the chorus “…but I don’t want to look manly!” First of all, how can you look manly? You’re a woman, and just because... Read More
Water is essential for weight loss, among about a million other things we need to happen daily with our bodies! The function of the human body depends on water, and when our body is working in tip-top condition our... Read More